A lot has happened since the last time we have blogged. We have officially booked our flight to Rwanda. After many months of dealing with travel agents and different dates...we finally booked a Christmas day flight. It will be so exciting to travel the country during the holidays.
We want to thank everyone who supported us in preparing for the trip. God has provided in so many ways since the beginning of this. It is awesome to see how doors open when you put all your faith in Him. He is in control and it is so comforting to know that.
We will be working with 40 boys and girls in Rwanda. We will be putting on this camp for two weeks Tuesday-Friday. Our days will be packed with bible lessons, soccer training, leadership training, crafts, games, and lots and lots of fun!! We will also be doing prayer walking on the weekends. In addition to this we will also be trying to help out the missionaries there in anyway we can.
Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for the trip. Pray that we are a blessing to the missionaries in Rwanda, that our bags travel with us (and not go to the wrong place.), that He will protect us from any sort of illness, and that we love on every person that we come in contact with. Help us learn from these children just as much as they learn from us.
We know this will truly be a life changing experience and we cannot wait to see how God works in our lives through this awesome opportunity.
Love you all!
Jenna & Caleb